Bicycle commuting is a great way to cut down on auto emissions and increase daily physical activity. Access to bicycle parking is available at no charge and on a first come first serve basis. For Bike Spot access, please fill out the Bike Spot Waiver and Release form and return to for 24 hour access to be added to your account. Please contact the parking office for more information regarding access to the secure Bike Spot.
Carpooling is encouraged as another great way to decrease automotive emissions, reduce traffic, and keep the air clean. Carpooling saves money on commuting costs, as well as wear and tear on your vehicle. There are several ways to get connected and find a carpooling group that works for you:
- Carpool with coworkers that live nearby and have compatible work schedules. Ask around to discover if any of your coworkers live near you.
- GPS navigator, Waze, now offers Waze Carpool which enables drivers to either drive or ride with people already going your way. The app lets you filter drivers by a range of criteria, including whether they are a coworker.
Public Transportation
Georgia-Pacific Center is conveniently located steps away from MARTA’s Peachtree Center Transit Station, offering tenants the opportunity to commute to work via the red or gold rail line. For those coming from the east or west on the green or blue lines, the Five Points station is only a short 10-minute walk away.
For more information on public transportation options, please visit the MARTA website.
Downtown Connects
Downtown Connects, a program of Central Atlanta Progress, works with Downtown employers and property managers to ease employee commutes by implementing transportation solutions at their worksite. For more information on how employers can support the use of sustainable transportation, check out these resources:
Downtown Connects Employer Services
Downtown Connects Commuter Options
Georgia Commute Options works to reduce the number of single-occupant vehicles on our region’s roads and improve air quality. They promote clean commute alternatives with reward opportunities for members.
- Gimme Five Program allows you to earn points each time you log a clean commute. Earn $5 a day each day you use a clean commute, up to $150 over an assigned 90-day period. Points can be cashed in for gas gift cards, tickets to shows and attractions and various other monthly prizes.
- Guaranteed Ride Home provides Georgia Commute Options members with 5 free Uber rides home each year if they experience an emergency that interferes with their planned clean commute travel option.